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Build A Top 1% Physique - Get More Girls

3 ratings

Men: You’re one step away from building an aesthetic body and attracting the girl of your dreams in 48 weeks. Guaranteed.

The best part? If you take the course and not make any progress, you will receive a full refund, leave with everything inside the course and get a discipline guide, free of charge.

Click "I want this!" To Get Instant Access

(Don't worry, if you don’t get results, we don’t get paid, as we work on a pay on results basis!)

How To Attract Women Without Coming Across As Weird & Creepy

Tell me if you can relate...

I remember my friend from high school asked me, "Don't you want a girlfriend?"

He had started dating and I was the guy that couldn't attract any girl and thinking that girls were some weird creatures I didn't know how to talk to.

I liked a girl once and I thought that I should go ahead and talk to her. We always made eye contact and I thought that this was the perfect time, but when I went up to talk to her, she laughed in my face and left.

I was confused. I followed the dating advice from YouTube which is to make eye contact, smile and be confident, etc. It was difficult.

I knew something was missing.

And worst of all, my friends who were naturally good with girls would make fun of me for struggling.

That night, when I looked in the mirror, I saw why. I was skinny fat, bad hair and just unattractive.

I had an unattractive physique, no wonder she rejected me.

First impressions always matter and I failed.

I saw these confident guys online with great physiques that would get all the girls with little to no effort, and I just wanted to be one of them.

I wanted to be GOOD ENOUGH.

It was very important to me and of course I wanted to make an effort.

I thought that building an aesthetic body would help me get girls and improve my relationships.


That's When I Discovered The Answer...

I always felt like I was missing out, I felt lonely.

I was a LOSER.

I had to stop being lazy.

I had to start working out.

I also realized that people judge on looks and first impressions.

It was very hard for me. I was doing research and it was so confusing.

There was A LOT of false information that I found and implemented. Some of which was from popular fitness creators.

Unfortunately, I didn't know. This caused me to lose out on progress and even my health started to deteriorate.

I was following the stupid advice of "Just lift heavy bro", "Just do 5x5".

1 year later, I realized that I didn't give a f*ck about strength. I just wanted to look good and get attraction from girls.

People called it shallow but I thought attracting love into my life was anything but shallow.

I realized that to have an attractive body, you need to have a V taper, which science proved that attracts more girls.

I developed a formula, to get my dream body.

My friend also gave me some recommendations and started teaching me.

From that moment, I started making real progress.

The truth is that the body I have today (in 2024) was built in around 1 year and 2 months.

The first year I wasted time and I didn't have a strict diet and workout routine. I was just training whatever came into my mind.

The second year I took It a little more serious but still wasn't training consistently. I was skipping A LOT of workouts and I was focusing on building strength

The third year is when I took the gym more seriously and it's when I started making REAL PROGRESS. My physique (you will see it below) was actually built In around 1 year and 2 months of consistent exercise.

After Years Of Hard Work, I Got What I Wanted...

Building a body I was proud of made me so much more confident.

Out of nowhere I started getting more girls into me, and guys actually began to respect me.

My dad was proud of me.

I remember hearing that a popular girl had been talking about my body in her class, and I felt so fucking good hearing that.

In my degenerate school, it wasn't uncommon for me to get girls OBSESSED with me.

I got to experience sides of women that most men will never know, and I think my physique was the gateway to this.

But best of all - l just feel so damn good about myself. I look at my physique everyday and see what I've built through years of discipline.

I think it's so important for a man to feel good in his own skin. Getting girls is awesome, but when you actually LIKE yourself, and think you're GOOD ENOUGH, that's when you really become happy.

My Transformation:

This is me in 2023 VS me in 2024

(You can achieve this body in around 48 weeks if you ACTUALLY TRIED)

⭐I've helped 1000+ men improve their lives, quit porn addiction, become more attractive and get more girls⭐


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Limiting beliefs you might have that are holding you back from building an aesthetic body:

"I've already been to the gym and I didn't make any progress"

Let me tell you this...

I had the same thing. I went to the gym but I wasn't making any progress.

That's because I wasn't focusing on my diet, I wasn't doing the proper exercises and I wasn't even training till failure.

If the same thing happened to you, don't worry, I'll help you.

Maybe you have other beliefs like:

"Building an aesthetic body wouldn't work for me because girls won't like me anyway"

I had the same belief but I kept going.

In the end, I realized I was WRONG!

Girls love it and they respect it.

I promise you that it's a FALSE belief.

"Results are not sustainable"

That's not true.

In this guide, I also teach you how to stay in the game long-term and how to keep your aesthetic physique for life.

"I’ve tried other programs and failed"

That's because of 2 reasons:

  1. The program or course was sh*t.
  2. You didn't work hard enough.

Either way, I have the solution which I included in the bonus section.

For the first reason, this works 100%. If I could build an aesthetic body with the information inside this course, then you can do it too.

For the second reason, you'll get a BONUS where you'll learn how to work 10X HARDER which will keep you dedicated and consistent along the way.

"I'm not genetically gifted enough."

This is the most common false belief.

Genetics may influence your starting point, but in the end, dedication and consistency will determine your progress.

Everyone has the potential to improve and reach their goals.

This is just your brain coping that it's not possible.

Always think long term when building your aesthetic body. Nobody is born with elite genetics and jacked.

You have to work your way up.

"I'll never look like those fitness models."

Yes you can bro.

If they can than why cant you?

And don't try and tell me that it's because you're from africa, china, america or some other bullshit.

Ask yourself this question: WHY NOT ME?

Everyone has their own unique journey.

Your progress is what truly matters.

"I'm too old/young to start building muscle."

It’s never too early or too late to start improving your health and physique.

No matter your age, you can achieve results with the right approach and consistency.

What is life? Life is health, love, happiness.

Since when is too late or too early to live your life?

"Building muscle is too hard or takes too long."

Building muscle requires effort, but it's a rewarding journey.

I always hear very successful entrepreneurs say that going to the gym is still the best decision they've ever made and that it's the highest return on investment they've ever got for their time and effort.

It's WORTH IT, trust me.

"I don't want to look like a bodybuilder"

It's IMPOSSIBLE to achieve the bodybuilder look accidentally.

You train until you achieve your dream body, and then all you have to do is maintain it.

Answer this question in your mind right now:

If Simon walked me through the process of building an aesthetic physique, without expensive equipment or a gym membership, gave me everything I need, and I destroyed my limiting belief that building an aesthetic body wouldn't work for me because girls won't like me anyway, and I believe that I will become more attractive, improve my relationships and get more girls, would I be successful?

I've spent the last year giving you free value on TikTok and recently on YouTube. Is it ok if I spend 5 minutes going over an offer I've made to help you become more attractive and get more girls?

With this package you'll be able to:

  1. Build an aesthetic body
  2. Master aesthetic exercise technique
  3. Become more attractive and get more Tinder matches
  4. Make better and faster progress than I did
  5. Learn everything you need to know about building an aesthetic physique

With this package you'll be able to get rid of:

  1. That chubby unattractive physique
  2. Spending weeks or months doing research and learning from so many different books and videos on how to build muscle - Save your time
  3. Another girl that you liked ghosting you
  4. Missing out on improved health
  5. Your insecurities and not being confident.

What You're Going To Get:

The Aesthetic Body Course (INSTANT ACCESS)

Total Value: $997

Will This Work For You?

This product is for men that are just starting out, or for those that are already going to the gym, and wand to skyrocket their progress.

You Might Be Thinking You Can't Get Started Because...

You don't have expensive equipment or a gym membership.

Don't worry about this.

You can start building an aesthetic body without expensive equipment or a gym membership.

To address this issue, I created a workout routine for:

  • Gym workouts
  • Home workouts with limited equipment
  • Gymnastic rings workout.

This is one of the bonuses I added inside this course.

You're Going To Get 12 Bonuses:

Bonus 1: You'll get an entire workout routine that you'll need for the first 2 years of your training.

Simply click on the workout routine link and the workout will open up on your phone!

These workout routines are optimized to create the V taper look that is so attractive in a man.

(Worth $20)

What You're Going To Get:

  1. The Aesthetic Body Course ($997 Value)
  2. Workout Routine eBook With 30+ Workout Routines ($20 Value)

    Total Value: $1017

Bonus 2: You'll get a diet plan designed to help you get everything you need from food to grow muscles. You'll learn everything about carbs, fats and protein so you can get lean and lose fat.

(Worth $90)

What You're Going To Get:

  1. The Aesthetic Body Course ($997 Value)
  2. Workout Routine eBook With 30+ Workout Routines ($20 Value)
  3. Diet Plan ($90 Value)

    Total Value: $1107

Bonus 4: You'll get a full guide on how to work 10X harder which will help you stay disciplined and consistent with working out.

(Worth $297)

What You're Going To Get:

  1. The Aesthetic Body Course ($997 Value)
  2. Workout Routine eBook With 30+ Workout Routines ($20 Value)
  3. Diet Plan ($90 Value)
  4. How To Work 10X HARDER eBook ($297 Value)

    Total Value: $1404

Bonus 5: You'll get 75 ways to boost testosterone naturally so you can get more progress from working out.

This hormone is very important in males and if it's low, you'll get gyno (Man boobs) and more belly fat.

This is the main component of steroids but we'll get it naturally to remain healthy and live longer.


What You're Going To Get:

  1. The Aesthetic Body Course ($997 Value)
  2. Workout Routine eBook With 30+ Workout Routines ($20 Value)
  3. Diet Plan ($90 Value)
  4. How To Work 10X HARDER eBook ($297 Value)
  5. 75 Ways To Boost Testosterone ($497 Value)

    Total Value: $1901

Bonus 6: Training Program. You'll get a training program for each level of training that you're on.

This way, you can see what to change and how to make progress consistently.

(Worth $97)

What You're Going To Get:

  1. The Aesthetic Body Course ($997 Value)
  2. Workout Routine eBook With 30+ Workout Routines ($20 Value)
  3. Diet Plan ($90 Value)
  4. How To Work 10X HARDER eBook ($297 Value)
  5. 75 Ways To Boost Testosterone ($497 Value)
  6. Training Program ($97 Value)

    Total Value: $1998

Bonus 7: You'll get a guide on how to improve your health. Very important so we don't lose out on muscle and to make sure we are focused.

This is necessary to maintain high testosterone levels.

(Worth $ 10)

What You're Going To Get:

  1. The Aesthetic Body Course ($997 Value)
  2. Workout Routine eBook With 30+ Workout Routines ($20 Value)
  3. Diet Plan ($90 Value)
  4. How To Work 10X HARDER eBook ($297 Value)
  5. 75 Ways To Boost Testosterone ($497 Value)
  6. Training Program ($97 Value)
  7. How To Be Healthy eBook ($10 Value)

    Total Value: $2008

Bonus 8: You'll get the technique of exercising on every single aesthetic muscle group.

Learn how to avoid injuries, the perfect exercises, stretching.

(Worth $497)

What You're Going To Get:

  1. The Aesthetic Body Course ($997 Value)
  2. Workout Routine eBook With 30+ Workout Routines ($20 Value)
  3. Diet Plan ($90 Value)
  4. How To Work 10X HARDER eBook ($297 Value)
  5. 75 Ways To Boost Testosterone ($497 Value)
  6. How to Build An Aesthetic Body eBook - Full Guide ($97 Value)
  7. Training Program ($10 Value)
  8. Master Aesthetic Exercise Techniques Module ($497 Value)

    Total Value: $2505

Bonus 9: You'll get an eBook with the best and fastest methods to recover from your workouts.

This guide provides expert tips and real-life examples to help you regain your strength and how to recover from injuries.

(Worth $40)

What You're Going To Get:

  1. The Aesthetic Body Course ($997 Value)
  2. Workout Routine eBook With 30+ Workout Routines ($20 Value)
  3. Diet Plan ($90 Value)
  4. How To Work 10X HARDER eBook ($297 Value)
  5. 75 Ways To Boost Testosterone ($497 Value)
  6. Training Program ($97 Value)
  7. How To Be Healthy eBook ($10 Value)
  8. Master Aesthetic Exercise Techniques Module ($497 Value)
  9. E-book With The Fastest And Best Methods To Recover ($40 Value)

    Total Value: $2545

Bonus 10: You'll join our private discord server where I provide additional value and self-improvement advice.

Inside, you'll be able to talk with other people about fitness or other topics that you like.

What You're Going To Get:

  1. The Aesthetic Body Course ($997 Value)
  2. Workout Routine eBook With 30+ Workout Routines ($20 Value)
  3. Diet Plan ($90 Value)
  4. How To Work 10X HARDER eBook ($297 Value)
  5. 75 Ways To Boost Testosterone ($497 Value)
  6. Training Program ($97 Value)
  7. How To Be Healthy eBook ($10 Value)
  8. Master Aesthetic Exercise Techniques Module ($497 Value)
  9. E-book With The Fastest And Best Methods To Recover ($40 Value)
  10. Access To Our Private Community ($97 Value)

    Total Value: $2642

Bonus 11: You'll get a 1 on 1 coaching with me over text so that we make sure you go to the gym, stay consistent and use the course properly or get any advice that you need.

(Worth $997)

What You're Going To Get:

  1. The Aesthetic Body Course ($997 Value)
  2. Workout Routine eBook With 30+ Workout Routines ($20 Value)
  3. Diet Plan ($90 Value)
  4. How To Work 10X HARDER eBook ($297 Value)
  5. 75 Ways To Boost Testosterone ($497 Value)
  6. Training Program ($97 Value)
  7. How To Be Healthy eBook ($10 Value)
  8. Master Aesthetic Exercise Techniques Module ($497 Value)
  9. E-book With The Fastest And Best Methods To Recover ($40 Value)
  10. Access To Our Private Community ($97 Value)
  11. 1 On 1 Coaching With Me ($997 Value)

    Total Value: $3639

Bonus 12: Shirtless pictures guide eBook. You'll get a guide that will teach you how to take THE PERFECT pictures of your body shirtless.

With this guide, you'll be able to:

  • Get more matches on dating apps
  • Get more sexual success from social media

(Worth $97)

What You're Going To Get:

  1. The Aesthetic Body Course ($997 Value)
  2. Workout Routine eBook With 30+ Workout Routines ($20 Value)
  3. Diet Plan ($90 Value)
  4. How To Work 10X HARDER eBook ($297 Value)
  5. 75 Ways To Boost Testosterone ($497 Value)
  6. Training Program ($97 Value)
  7. How To Be Healthy eBook ($10 Value)
  8. Master Aesthetic Exercise Techniques Module ($497 Value)
  9. E-book With The Fastest And Best Methods To Recover ($40 Value)
  10. Access To Our Private Community ($97 Value)
  11. 1 On 1 Coaching With Me ($997 Value)
  12. Shirtless Pictures Guide eBook ($97 Value)

    Total Value: $3736

Bonus 13: No bullshit dating app guide. You'll get a full guide on how to make a profile, how to get more matches.

With this guide, you'll get more dates and girls.

($497 Value)

What You're Going To Get:

  1. The Aesthetic Body Course ($997 Value)
  2. Workout Routine eBook With 30+ Workout Routines ($20 Value)
  3. Diet Plan ($90 Value)
  4. How To Work 10X HARDER eBook ($297 Value)
  5. 75 Ways To Boost Testosterone ($497 Value)
  6. Training Program ($97 Value)
  7. How To Be Healthy eBook ($10 Value)
  8. Master Aesthetic Exercise Techniques Module ($497 Value)
  9. E-book With The Fastest And Best Methods To Recover ($40 Value)
  10. Access To Our Private Community ($97 Value)
  11. 1 On 1 Coaching With Me ($997 Value)
  12. Shirtless Pictures Guide eBook ($97 Value)
  13. No Bullshit Dating App Guide ($497 Value)

    Total Value: $4233

Obviously I'm not gonna charge you $4233...

But if I did charge you $4233, and all it did was get you girls, would it be worth it?

If all it did was help you to build the kind of body that ACTUALLY attracts girls, and you transform your dating and sex life, would it be worth it?

If all it did was actually let you compete against the other guy for the girl that you want, would it be worth it?

I had two choices with the price of this course. I could go as cheap as possible and try to sell as many as possible by lowering the value...


I could go more expensive, provide more value and help you get the results I promised.

So I decided to go with the second option, which obviously requires a slightly higher investment on your side. But in exchange for that, my time and I can dedicate more time, energy and resources to help guarantee your success.

So if you had an aesthetic body that got you A LOT of Tinder matches, girls replying back to your Instagram DMs and made you feel so confident and respected, what would it be worth to you?

How much would you pay to be THAT GUY, the one who actually looks good and gets girls?

You can probably see why people pay thousands for a transformation like this. It's not a cost, it's an investment.

Because you're a part of my cult, I'm going to give you a very special offer...

What You're Going To Get:

  1. The Aesthetic Body Course ($997 Value)
  2. Workout Routine eBook With 30+ Workout Routines ($20 Value)
  3. Diet Plan ($90 Value)
  4. How To Work 10X HARDER eBook ($297 Value)
  5. 75 Ways To Boost Testosterone ($497 Value)
  6. Training Program ($97 Value)
  7. How To Be Healthy eBook ($10 Value)
  8. Master Aesthetic Exercise Techniques Module ($497 Value)
  9. E-book With The Fastest And Best Methods To Recover ($40 Value)
  10. Access To Our Private Community ($97 Value)
  11. 1 On 1 Coaching With Me ($997 Value)
  12. Shirtless Pictures Guide eBook ($97 Value)
  13. No Bullshit Dating App Guide ($497 Value)

    Total Value: $4233

    Today's Price: $197.99

Click "I want this!" To Get Instant Access

Put Into Perspective...

That's how much a month of personal training would cost, but you get The Aesthetic Body Course for life!

I spent hundreds of hours learning everything, it took me years to package all this together. You get to learn everything in just a couple of hours - Save that valuable time and put it into your training instead.

I also WASTED 2 YEARS of my journey by following bad advice that wasn't suited to my goals of looking good so I could attract girls -

You save literally years of your body transformation when you get this.

Click "I want this!" To Get Instant Access

You've Got 2 Choices

You can choose to do nothing and keep struggling with girls, wondering what gives, why other guys are getting laid and you're not...

Or you can choose to take a leap of faith. Just test it out to see if it will work for you.

Simon's Aesthetic Body Course

If you don’t get results, we don’t get paid, as we work on a pay on results basis!

What You're Going To Get:

  1. The Aesthetic Body Course ($997 Value)
  2. Workout Routine eBook With 30+ Workout Routines ($20 Value)
  3. Diet Plan ($90 Value)
  4. How To Work 10X HARDER eBook ($297 Value)
  5. 75 Ways To Boost Testosterone ($497 Value)
  6. Training Program ($97 Value)
  7. How To Be Healthy eBook ($10 Value)
  8. Master Aesthetic Exercise Techniques Module ($497 Value)
  9. E-book With The Fastest And Best Methods To Recover ($40 Value)
  10. Access To Our Private Community ($97 Value)
  11. 1 On 1 Coaching With Me ($997 Value)
  12. Shirtless Pictures Guide eBook ($97 Value)
  13. No Bullshit Dating App Guide ($497 Value)

    Total Value: $4233

    Today's Price: $197.99

Click "I want this!" To Get Instant Access

Ask Yourself This Question In Your Mind:

How many girls am I willing to miss out on?

Isn't it time I try something new, learn from someone who's actually got the success I want?

Do I really want ANOTHER girl I like to ghost me?

Click "I want this!" To Get Instant Access


What You're Going To Get:

  1. The Aesthetic Body Course ($997 Value)
  2. Workout Routine eBook With 30+ Workout Routines ($20 Value)
  3. Diet Plan ($90 Value)
  4. How To Work 10X HARDER eBook ($297 Value)
  5. 75 Ways To Boost Testosterone ($497 Value)
  6. Training Program ($97 Value)
  7. How To Be Healthy eBook ($10 Value)
  8. Master Aesthetic Exercise Techniques Module ($497 Value)
  9. E-book With The Fastest And Best Methods To Recover ($40 Value)
  10. Access To Our Private Community ($97 Value)
  11. 1 On 1 Coaching With Me ($997 Value)
  12. Shirtless Pictures Guide eBook ($97 Value)
  13. No Bullshit Dating App Guide ($497 Value)

    Today's Price: $197.99

Click "I want this!" To Get Instant Access

(Right below if you're on mobile, and on the right sidebar above if you're on desktop.)

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30-Day Money Back Guarantee - No questions asked.

If you didn't like The Aesthetic Body Course, just email me within 30 days of your purchase and I will refund you.

I am so confident that the course works that I won't even ask you why you want a refund - I know it's because you never actually tried the course.

With that said, if my work doesn't work for you, I don't want your money.

This makes your purchase completely risk free - click the "I want this" button to get your copy and get started on your aesthetic physique journey finally.

Last updated Jun 25, 2024

Click "I want this!" To Get Instant Access. No Worries. I have a 30-Day Money Back GUARANTEED.

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Build A Top 1% Physique - Get More Girls

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